Vitamin D: Sources, Deficiency and Benefits

Vitamin D is vital for maintaining healthy bones and teeth through all seasons and ages. This Vitamin also protects against several health conditions like type 1 diabetes. Sun is a natural source of Vitamin D, but several other foods can help ascertain this Vitamin’s levels in your body.


Vitamin D Deficiency and Effects on Health

A Vitamin D deficiency can make you grumpy, lazy and weak. The early symptoms of this deficiency are:

  • Weak bones
  • Muscle cramps
  • Joint pain and fatigue
  • Mood swings

Health Risks of Vitamin D deficiency

Soaking in the sun doesn’t always replenish your body’s Vitamin D deficiency. The above symptoms are enough to identify the lack of this essential Vitamin D in our bodies. Vitamin D deficiency can affect your bone density.

What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency:

  • A lack of sun exposure can also contradict your sun-soaking for most of the year. Seasons, temperature, and geographical location may affect a person’s ability to soak up natural sunlight.
  • A lack of Vitamin D in your diet can also be alarming.
  • The Use Of Sunscreen can hinder Vitamin D production in the body for many individuals.

Super Foods for Vitamin D Consumption

If you are lacking Vitamin D and would like to replenish, here are some superfood options both veg & non-veg mentioned below:


Salmon is a source of Vitamin D for those who relish fish and seafood.

Canned Tuna

Canned tuna again is a fish rich in Vitamin D. If you can, you should probably go for white tuna as it’s healthier.


A popular fish that people enjoy all around the world is a delicious source of Vitamin D.

Egg Yolks

For those wondering if seafood is the only Vitamin D source, there are plenty of other options like egg yolks! Eating egg yolks for breakfast can give a great headstart on your Vitamin D consumption.


Mushrooms have plenty of Vitamin D, and it’s a veg alternative for those who don’t consume eggs or seafood.

Fortified meals or foods are those which have added micronutrients.

Some examples of fortified Vitamin D rich foods are:

  • Fortified Soy Milk
  • Fortified Cereals
  • Fortified Orange Juice

How Much Vitamin D do you need?

Vitamin D consumption varies as per age, season, location, clothing and more. However, as per the National Institute of Health, one should consume at least 10-20 micrograms of Vitamin D every day.


Health Benefits of Adding Ample Vitamin D to your Diet!

Vitamin D is also known as the “Sunshine Vitamin”. It offers plenty of health benefits and is available in abundance if we carefully monitor daily consumption. Sun is the greatest source of Vitamin D, but as the times are changing, natural sun exposure is getting limited. Affecting the average consumption of this essential Vitamin for many of us.

Vitamin D helps fight diseases.

Researchers and studies have shown that Vitamin D can essentially help your body fight heart-related disease to a certain extent.

Vitamin D helps with depression!

A healthy Vitamin D consumption regulates a better mood that works wonders for those struggling with stress and depression.

Vitamin D & Weight Loss

A vast selection of Vitamin D supplements available in the market can help lose weight faster.



A majority of the population suffers from Vitamin D deficiency. It’s alarming and it requires a lifestyle & diet change. The above sources of Vitamin D are easy to tap, you can load up on healthy levels of the sunshine vitamin by being responsible towards your everyday diet.





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